How is DTCP different from HMDA?

You might have heard of these terms – DTCP & HMDA, everywhere whenever you encountered a real estate consultant. Why do they sound so similar? What’s the difference anyway? This blog will elaborate on the details as to why there are two distinct regulatory authorities overlooking the same field (pun, intended).

Let’s begin with knowing what they actually mean – DTCP stands for Directorate of Town and Country Planning, and HMDA stands for Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority.

Director of Town and Country Planning

The primary duties and functions of the Director of Town and Country Planning can be bifurcated into three categories – technical statutory functions, technical non-statutory functions and advisory functions.

Technical statutory functions:

  • DTCP prepares General Town Planning Schemes (Master Plans)
  • It is also responsible for the preparation of Indicative Land Use Plans (Mandal Master Plans)
  • DTCP gives all the technical approval of layouts and buildings plans (Group Housing), commercial complexes
  • DTCP is responsible for the preparation and approval of the different type of designs for community and public buildings
  • DTCP approves all sorts of technical clearance of installations (Industries), and road development plans
  • It provides NOC for cinema theatres / multiplexes

Technical non-statuary functions:

  • DTCP is responsible for the allocation of IDSMT funds. The scheme is no longer available as it was already closed in 2005 and the work of approved components are in progress.
  • DTCP sanctions approval of designs for public and community buildings and also suggest variations to the sanctioned master plans

Advisory functions:

DTCP is Advisor to Urban Development Authorities, Telangana Housing Board, Telangana Industrial Infrastructure Corporation, Telangana Pollution Control Board, Telangana Swagruha Housing Corporation and Government on planning matters. It also advises on the selection of sites and services of Municipal Councils.

DTCP overall has certain rules similar to HMDA. Now let’s have a look at the primary roles of HMDA.

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority

The purpose behind which HMDA was set up was basically for planning, coordination, supervising, promoting and securing the planned development of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Region.

The development activities of the municipal corporations, municipalities and other local authorities, the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board, the Telangana Transmission Corporation, the Telangana Industrial Infrastructure Corporation, the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation and other such bodies are coordinated by HMDA. Here are some of the many primary roles of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority.

  • HMDA basically prepares the entire plan for the Metropolitan city. It undertakes the preparation of metropolitan development and investment plan, revision of the plan and prioritizes its implementation.
  • It maintains and manages the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Fund and allocate finances based on the plans and programmes of the local bodies for undertaking Development of amenities and infrastructure facilities
  • HMDA also monitors and exercises financial control over the budgetary allocations concerning development works made through it to the various public agencies, local bodies and other agencies
  • HMDA creates and manages the Hyderabad Metropolitan Land Development Bank and takes up land acquisition every year as may be necessary for various public uses, township development, infrastructure development, etc.
  • It approves the land acquisition programmes /proposals of the local authorities, other departments and functional agencies in the metropolitan region
  • HMDA acquires any movable or immovable property by purchase, exchange, gift, lease, mortgage, negotiated settlement, or by any other means permissible under any law

TMR Group is proud to have a wide range of plots in Hyderabad approved by both DTCP and HMDA so that our customers can invest in our property without any worries and strongly reinforce the trust factor in the customers. When they get to invest in a plot that gives them a sense of reliability and transparency that TMR Group has to offer, we get inspired to serve even better.



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